Out and about in a city of horrible sidewalks. Stop one on the walking tour of Ulanbaatar is the Gandan monestery, a nice complex of muliple buildings, and more prayer wheels than i've seen since Katmandu. From there it was off to the state Department store, then to Sukahamot (sp) square where the Parliment building is, with three large statues of Ghengis Kahn and of course Sukahamot (sp) a major historical figure who helped the Mongolians in there independance against the russians.
Next stop was down to seoul street, after walking around Peace street. after 4 hours of walking around it was off to find some lunch. Along Peace Ave there was a nice noodle shop that was packed, i figured thats as good a spot as any for lunch, considering there were lots of people, the food has to be good.
After lunch is was back to the Guest House for a use of the facilities and a cup of tea, and some conversation. The Swiss couple Mark and Djemina were off at the black market off loading all of there riding equipment from the previous month, as well as buying some soveniers when they were approached by three large mongolian men who backed them into a barricade and stole his wallet, it didn't help at all that his hands were full of all the items they had purchased in the market earlier that day. I knock on wood everytime i hear stories like that, thanking my lucky stars that situations like that haven't happened to me like that when i've been travelling.
With my new friends we took dinner at the brewhaus, good beer and decent german food. After dinner it was back to the guest house for a good nights sleep before heading to singpore via beijing. I treated to dinner, i felt the gesture was worthwhile considering the circumstances of the day, my small effort to confirm that not all people are bastards.
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